Three Ways Art Therapy Helps in Sports Injury Recovery

Art Therapy for Injury Recovery
Therapy for Injured Athletes

It gives us a new outlet

When we are injured we often can not do the things we usually do to keep ourselves regulated and balanced, especially if we value activity in our life. What makes injuries so hard for many of us, is that often our ways of coping and expressing ourselves are taken from us, just at a time we need them the most.

Creativity provides a new outlet for you as you recover.

It regulates our nervous system

Our nervous system is key to our healing from both physical and mental injuries. Our nervous system wants to keep us safe and is responsible for our fight, flight, and freeze responses. After a traumatic experience, like an injury, our nervous system can get stuck in a permanent state of “on” or “off.” This can use a lot of our body’s energy, or leave us feeling numb and disconnected. An activated nervous system can even increase the pain we are feeling, as well as influence our feelings of anxiety.

There is extensive research that art therapy soothes our nervous system, which is a key component in healing and pain reduction. Neuroscience has also corroborated the impact of art therapy in the reduction of anxiety and understanding/ integrating traumatic experiences.

It gives us time to play!

Art therapy can be about the nitty gritty stuff, but we balance this out with play and resourcing. Play is good for us! As kids, we use play to learn ways to navigate the world. As adults, this is no different. However, once we are past a certain age, we are often unable to find the time, or feel that it is unproductive. Being creative is playtime. Carving out time to play anchors you to the present where you can learn about yourself without the anxieties of the past or future.

Play helps you to hone the strengths you hold, and explore the things that make you, you. It allows you to have fun and relax. You can enter a state of “flow” where your mind is focused and active without distraction, just as you may experience when engaged in sport.

Art Therapy for Injury

On Grief…